Chapter XII

It is Connection Time now. I share this time, sundays 5-7 p.m. With people who would like to be connected as to be like a cell in the great body of humankind and would love to give what they are giving and take what is given to them.

In 2011, two years ago, I got contact to a woman, teaching Pilates. She was interested in my Synthese Therapeuticum C 3, which is a homöopatical biochemical trituration of the 27 Schüssler Salts, gold, incense and myrrh and the Rescue drops of Dr. Bach. She had have „The Day of open Door“ at 1st advent and I appeared with my advertising for the next weekend in just these rooms for a little meditation group. Because a month ago, I had asked myself: „If you would wish to do something, like a third try to „sit“ a meditation group, what time in the week you would choose?“ And I run through the week in my thoughts and found at any times in the week some inbalances except this time, which was special to me for about 20 years now. When I was young, I recognized, that to work 40 h a week is hard to me. After one day, I needed about three hours to recover and in the weekend, because of so many days following without good enough relaxation, I needed the time to relax till sundays 5 p.m.

And so, the Connection Time has birthday next weekend, because I sat in that room of the Pilates woman at the 2nd advent two years ago for the first time – and again alone. I did what I did: I settled the energy through meditation. I invited as I always do and talked as if I would speak to an audience for about half an hour. Then I meditated. After another half hour I had an idea: „Ich sitze hier allein, lad´ doch einfach alle ein!“ (I sit here alone, just invite all!)

And so the Connection Time discovered and evolved since then from sunday to sunday as puzzlestones building harmony. And new ideas. The first two have been the Synthese Therapeuticum and the Connection Time. Both ideas to make a synthese of functionable items. The Connection Time is the invitation of synthese of religion and culture things, coming closer in a spiritual way, recognizing Love and Compassion and Peace and Togetherness.

And a few days ago, as I told earlier in the book, I´m about to write, called „Tell Your Story“, I had the idea, that I´m a Synthesis Therapist. Because I had the idea to make an All Flower Remedy, contents of all the 38 Bach Flower Remedies. The Bach Flower Remedies have been also in my life for about 20 years and I have had good experimences with the Rescue drops but didn´t got in closer contact since the last days. I think it maybe can be a roundabout Therapeuticum, too. The Flower Remedies treat emotional states and give either help or nothing will happen. So no harm or byeffects either. And when I took my books the last week to discover a flower which brings Light in these winter days, I thought: Oh that flower, and that flower and that flower, too. And so I took them out of the regal and sat there and looked at them and meditated. And I created the „All Flower Remedy“. It is a 30 ml bottle which can be used as a stock bottle. If you are interested, I would like to have 15 € for a bottle or some work or other things. From now on, I can offer consultations, too. ½ h 25 €. It may took a time of a least 3 days, because I just start and maybe I want to meditate and wait for informations until I can decide which Flower Essence/s would like to help you. They can be put in an All Flower Remedy stockbottle, so that the Essence of the added Flower/s can dive into the Essence of them all…… Just type in the comments, they are not open, when I don´t clic them to be open.

The book „Tell Your Story“, I am writing for a month, now. It makes many more things clear to me and helps me to express essence filtered experiences of many subjects. I thought all the years: „What´s about you? Sucking like a sponge but nothing comes out……?“ But now it is just the other site: I nearby can´t stop my words pouring out!


In the last two years I haven´t had much outer sucess, it was more an inner growing process into the world I live in. I still could´nt say, if I would like to retreat or like to do something. It depends on so many things. Time by Time. Before I started writing again, I have throuwn the Mo dices. Tibetan Wisdom Divination System. It was No. 16, the Demon of Afflictions. I thought of also outer processes in the world and searched for things I can do. There are always some sentences, which tell what could be done. This divination is also known as „boiling of agitation“. Praying and offerings to Protectors. Making little yellow stupas. A Stupa or Chörten is a symbol of the Five Elements of the Buddha Families. Yellow is the colour of the Earth Element. It purifies the mind poison pride and represents the Wisom of Equality. We are all composed of equal parts: The Ruh or Inner Buddha Nature or Soul, the Aql or mind quality and the Nafs, which is the body desire- aversion mind poison part which needs to be cleansed. And to cleanse Dharma books (books of teaching) And liberate animals. Manjushri tells you what to do, sometimes in only one sentence.

Today afternoon I went by car to catch up my daughter from an overnight party with friends. The neighbors, some 80 sheeps were catched by the „sheperd“ and his dog to be brought to another place. The animals were the same, but the man was new. So I went out of car to contact him. I asked him for some wool. Maybe I would like to learn to spin? Maybe it will be good to hold the old traditions of doing something? I can imagine that spinning can be of meditative worth……!?! It is worth to have a subject like wool and what is possible to make of and to do with and how to handle it with respect and maybe to go to the museum and tell them: I will found the Faculty of Experience Siences and would like to do with you the Activation: Living Museum, in which people who would like to be part of, come together for a day in the week (for me most likely is wednesday) and have the task to learn to handle wool. And maybe also to come closer in contact with sheeps and „liberate“ the message they are carrying today.

I am a Synthesis Therapist. Look what I am doing. I try to put things together. I try to integrate. I try to learn the best I can. I try to bring the focus on something that works and bring good results for all of us. Maybe We can use this idea of Faculty of Experience Siences to build a new university subject. We should find out, what we can do to build a new „time generation“ a generation which have the time to be creative cultural experiencing and joining the results. We at the moment live in a maximun profit aera and we should strive to slow down the sqeezing process of nearby anything. That is not healthy and we know that. We only should find ways. Learning by doing processes every day anew.

Peaceful beautiful moments of Presence, Greetings and Blessings for the Time to Come and may Allah be Merciful even though we don´t deserve it.